A Powerful Way to Practice Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Are you interested to know how we can train our minds to be still even while our eyes are open? How can we be more focused during our daily activities? How can we activate the mind’s attention mode in activities that we are used to do automatically in order to become more productive and efficient? […]
Why Everyone Needs to Practice Meditation

Based on my own experience as a meditation trainer, people wonder a lot about when and why one needs to maintain meditation practice. Should that also be a misunderstanding of what meditation is all about? Possibly. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, meditation means, “engage in contemplation or reflection, or to plan or project in […]
Turn off autopilot, be a warrior with an open heart

Habits, morning routine, places we go out to eat, the behaviour towards our partner – this all can slip into an autopilot mode. To be mindful and turn off this mode means to be a warrior with an open heart. Sometimes the battle is against being on autopilot mode, which due to its familiarity, can be quite […]
Mindfulness tips for travelers

It may seem difficult to keep up with your meditation and mindfulness practice while traveling, but actually, it is a great opportunity to challenge yourself while you are out of your daily routines and comfort zone.
4 Best Exercise Routines You Must Follow To Reduce Back Pain

Back pain is among the top pains in the world today. A study done in the United Kingdom has, for example, showed that back pains are among the leading forces behind job absenteeism. In a similar pace, it has been predicted that most Americans will suffer back pains at one point in their lives.
Way Back to Meditate, Way Back to the Inner Self

So, how to start to write about how to star to meditate, again? Definitely, the only way is simply doing it. So here I am, working on Saturday and trying to find a way to organise my head.
How to Meditate in Seven Simple Steps

Have you ever imagined meditation to be something complicated and possible only with lots of efforts? Probably Google and the cinematographic depiction of meditation postures might have had something to do with that.