Tips for Job Satisfaction: How to do Self-reflection?

After you love what you do and do it with effort and focus, as well as with commitment and perseverance not to give up until it’s done, one more step you can’t miss to make it perfect is reflection. Reflection is one of the most important processes in doing anything as it helps you evaluate […]
Tips for Job Satisfaction: Strive for the Best

There are 3 working styles that we usually see in the workplace today: (1) Just do it (2) Procrastination (3) Strive for the Best. Read this article and learn which one is your style and how to make sure to deliver your best in every situation. 1) Just do it. The employees will finish the […]
Business, and Life’s performance

There are great work colleagues, partners, and executives, for sure you know more than one, exemplary role models to look up to. Surely, you have also known about those top performers, leaders, or CEOs that suddenly quit after having psychological disorders and health problems. And, what about those that retired at the top, but without […]
Smiling to autumn: how to welcome a change of seasons?

In this time of the year, some people who live in occidental countries may start to feel melancholic. The summer has arrived to its end, sometimes with a feeling of unfulfilled expectations, the autumn is here, and we find ourselves back again into the work or study routine, with its constant action demand, usually accompanied […]
عشرة طرق للإيجابية في بيئة العمل

صباح الخير عليكم جميعًا، ونتمنى لكم يوم عمل جديد مليء بالإيجابية! قد لا تتفقوا معنا في هذا، ولكن يعتبر مكان العمل هو أكثر الأماكن التي نقضي بها الوقت بعد المنزل، حيث نقضي في المتوسط حوالي 8 ساعات في العمل وأحيانًا أكثر من ذلك لذلك، لابد وأن نشعر بالإيجابية في بيئة العمل حتى نستطيع أن تصبح […]
What is life, work, and where is happiness?

What is the purpose of getting a really good job in a huge company? Why this pressure to become a CEO or to earn more than your colleague, neighbour, or an unknown person? Is this what your heart wants? What is really the truth about balancing your work and life? Nowadays we move into this […]
Where Is Your Center?

In the midst of work storms of the modern world, we normally forget where our mind is centered. The mind is at ease when it locates itself at a single point, however our peace or distress largely depends on where the mind actually rests. Different centers Imagine it is the weekend and you have promised […]
How to Balance? A Passage to a Happy, Prosperous and Fulfilling Life

One of the important things in life is the ability to balance it, to maintain life activities in all its different facets and levels. So often, happiness is neutralized and swiped away. It is not because we as humans cannot be happy alone; it is because of our day to day routines and how we manage our […]
Close all the tabs! Now!

Simple as it is, how easy is it for you to close all the tabs on your browser? Do you normally open ten articles to read later, and five more tabs relevant to work that you are not using? Welcome to the club of stressed time wasters who try to position themselves as workaholics.
Self-Care over Social Work – Why it is Important to Put our Well-being First.

Being involved in social change is a very rewarding job. Having the ability to help others in their times of need not only makes a difference in their lives but can make a tremendous difference in our own. However, social work and social justice can be extremely taxing on our mental health over time. The stress […]