Domestic Violence Awareness Month: An Insight into Delicate Matters of Society

October is recognized internationally as the month of raising awareness of domestic violence. Around the globe, millions of people and organizations engage in marches, concerts, talks, seminars, online campaigns and an array of ways to inform, educate and remind society that domestic violence is an ever present threat eating away at society’s most vital institutions: […]

Quest For Peace: challenges women face in conflict situations

Military occupation, human trafficking, forced migration and forced prostitution… Did you know that these challenges affect women in very specific ways? Moreover, its effects are leaving a mark for generations. The nature of conflicts engages and deeply affects the non-combatant population, often in gender related ways. International relations function according to the principle of state sovereignty […]

دائرة النساء

عتبر دائرة النساء او ما يعرف ب Women Circle.  ورشة عمل فقط للنساء حيث تأخذ كل واحدة منهم مكانها في الدائرة وتتتبع الإرشادات العامة التي تسهل المحادثة الحقيقية. ويبدأ الحديث فيتعلم المشاركون طرقًا جديدة للتحدث والاستماع إلى الآخرين. لم تقتصر مشاركتي الرائعة ب برنامج زمالة “هيا 2″ مع مؤسسة “مبادرة السلام العالمي” على ساعات التأمل بل كان هناك ورش العمل اثرت مخزوننا الحسي […]

Being A Woman: No One Told Us What Empowerment Is About

Being truly herself is the most empowering, enriching and loving experience that a woman can have (we can add “a man” here too). And at the same time, it is something that we need to learn. It may sound strange to think about “learning to be yourself” because one is supposed to be oneself all […]

How meditation saved my life!

One year ago I was a totally different person, who was easily affected by her environment. I let myself absorb everything that was surrounding me, both the bad and the good. And I kept telling myself that it was all that makes us Human until I discovered meditation and started to meditate. I can say that it […]