3 Ways to Combat a Sedentary Lifestyle
Over the past year, the COVID19 pandemic has made it harder for people to stay active. With most of us spending more time than usual at home and gyms and fitness centers closed or operating on a limited capacity in order to slow the spread of the virus, it can often feel like our lifestyles […]
Walking barefoot: a direct way to reconnect with the Earth
This year, since the frosting season came to an end in early Spring, I tried to go for a barefoot walk every day. I immediately noticed an incredible difference compared to walking with shoes on. Actually, it made me wonder whether humanity has lost its connection with the Earth since we started to wear shoes […]
3 Ways to Fit in Mindfulness When Short on Time
Let’s face it, most of us are too busy. Every day we have what seems like an endless list of things we need or want to get done, and that’s usually not even taking into consideration our job (or jobs), or time with family and friends. So, it may seem counter-intuitive to suggest adding one […]
People From Around The World Defining Peace
To celebrate the International Day of Peace, there was an event organized by Peace Revolution Cameroon with about 50 participants from 15 countries: Cameroon, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Algeria, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Germany, Serbia, Canada, United States, and Colombia among others. The theme of this year’s event was titled as “Together for Peace, Respect, Safety and […]