Speaking the Truth in a World that Celebrates Popular Opinion

The advent of social media has hastened the process of the world becoming a global village. People all over the world are more connected than they have ever been. People increasingly relate with and understand each other because social and cultural boundaries have been broken. In this context, truth has come to mean what the […]
Going back to the roots is finding the meaning

Chasing appearances is moving away from the origin, from the meaning At the time of inner discovery, appearances are transcended. If we call truth to the changes that seem to occur in the superfluous world, this will only be due to our mental bias or confusion. When the mind exists unperturbed on the road, nothing […]
How to know if you are living in ignorance?

How many times do we fall into the trap of the mind and dare to judge someone or something without knowing the real truth about the person or the situation? Being aware of one’s own truth is the first step towards making fair judgements and decisions. We need to empty our mind to let go […]
Know Your Core Values To Change Your Actions

It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your core values are.” Roy Disney The content of our mind is shaped by our values, and all actions are a reflection of how we perceive our world. Priorities and reactions in life are determined by what we value. Regardless of whether we acknowledge our […]
How to Overcome a Doubtful Mind?

We all have doubted of something at least once in a life. Many times we fail to establish certainty about facts, situations, theories, beliefs and other aspects. In such a state of mind, it is normal that we fail to make a decision and we are afraid to go further until the mind is cleared […]