Life on the Road: reflections on unconventional travel

This post was first published on Adventures of Mike in 2018. “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emerson’s Essays I begin with these words from Emerson because they capture one of the great paradoxes and contradictions of travel […]
4 Ways Travelling Makes You Grow

One day I went snorkelling on a boat in Vietnam, and met an Australian couple who travel permanently. They have retired and dedicated their life to travelling, and I was very surprised to hear from them that “travelling was hard work”. Years have passed since then, and today I perfectly understand this sentence. Not only […]
6 Vacation Spots That Will Help You Regain Energy

Life can be very boring and monotonous at times. Your boss hates you, your significant other is constantly fighting with you, you and your friends are all stuck in the same rut, and there is nothing new and exciting to look forward to. This is when vacations come in the picture. Travelling is a great […]
Mindfulness tips for travelers

It may seem difficult to keep up with your meditation and mindfulness practice while traveling, but actually, it is a great opportunity to challenge yourself while you are out of your daily routines and comfort zone.
12 things to be present and happier than before

This year started with the plan to volunteer 3 months in Thailand at Peace Revolution HQ’s office. What it started as 3 months has became the whole year traveling and learning things, that’s why i took inspiration to write 12 things to stay more on the present moment and live happier than before.