Tips for Job Satisfaction: How to Think out of the Box?

If you think you’re a person who thinks out of the box, you may not be that yet. For me, the ones who can think out of the box normally do it without knowing. It’s a part of their lives so it happens automatically. Why can these people do it naturally? Because this type of […]
14 Ways My Self-Transformation Happened Through Meditation

Since I started meditating on daily basis, I have had a profound and positive personal transformation. Here is what I learned since I started to meditate: 1) I understand that everything I do has an effect or consequence in the outside. If I think, speak and behave with positivity and optimism, the universe will answer […]
Practice Locally, Love Globally: Survival Guide For Liquid Times

On staying sane in times of change. Part III (part I , part II ) When we go through transformative experiences such as an important trip, moving to another country, starting a new career path, becoming a parent, falling in/out of love, – we stop being “somebody”, the one we were before. We enter into a […]
I Won´t Lose My Grasping – Note From Consciousness

On staying sane in times of change. Part II. (part I here) If there is one thing in which different philosophies, worldviews, spiritual systems, and cosmologies coincide regarding reality is that change is the only certainty in this world. Impermanence – name it in eastern philosophies, change – in other places. However you understand this, […]
Embracing Obstacles in Meditation and Spiritual Path

What happens if we understand obstacles as an essential part of our spiritual path? Then, how to learn to forgive if nobody hurts us? How to love even the “enemy” if we did not meet it yet? How to practice acceptance if everything seems so easy in life? The ones that are in this path know that […]
14 ways my self-transformation happened through meditation

Since I started meditating on a daily basis, I have had a profound personal and positive transformation. Here is what I learned since I started to meditate: