Peace In Peace Out Europe Tour

Peace In Peace Out Europe Tour is a number of inspiring workshops and lectures in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Latvia. The speaker is Venerable Teaching Monk John Paramai. Peace In + Peace Out = Sustainable World PeacePeace In + Peace Out = Sustainable World Peace. Agenda: BELGIUM 16/10 – Leuven – Sancta Maria High […]
Meditation from Barcelona city to Galician villages

New car, expensive dress or vacation in Canarias? We often think that happiness comes from outside. How about looking inside to realize that we can be happy here and now? How about meditation? In order to share the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, from September 19 to October 1 Peace Revolution Spain organizes a tour […]
Meditation from Barcelona city to Galician villages

New car, expensive dress or vacation in Canarias? We often think that happiness comes from outside. How about looking inside to realize that we can be happy here and now? How about meditation? In order to share the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, from September 19 to October 1 Peace Revolution Spain organizes a tour […]
Meditando desde la ciudad de Barcelona hasta los pueblecitos gallegos

¿Coche nuevo, vestido caro, vacaciones en Canarias? Habitualmente creemos que la felicidad nos la otorgan los bienes exteriores. ¿Pero y si miramos en nuestro interior y nos damos cuenta de que podemos ser felices aquí y ahora? ¿Y si meditamos? Peace Revolution España va a organizar un tour para compartir los beneficios de la meditación […]
My peace mission around Africa – a lifetime experience.

It is in the human nature to always seek comfort and happiness, to dream and envisage the future with serenity or anxiety as well as always remain attached to the past to assure his or her identity. That nature almost every human being keeps filling out every day makes our mind to being permanently […]