How Overcoming Skin Problems Leads to An Improved Quality of Life

“Does mental illness affect skin?” Turns out there’s a surprising connection between your mind and your skin. Psychosomatic skin conditions — physical skin issues caused by mental health issues — are real and require proper lifestyle and treatment; once taken care of it leads to an improved quality of life. What Can Cause Skin Disorders? Conditions […]
How Listening to One’s Body Can Prevent Serious Mental Health Disorders

I would like to share the story of my life regarding mental health that affected my physical condition. I was working as a Technical and Administration Staff for an institution. At the time, I had a task as a Liaison Officer. I guided some people from African countries to do business matching in my home […]
How meditation helped me fight insomnia and anxiety

It was when I started working in the government (after more than 5 years of working in different private companies) that I got to realize that it is not about the amount of work that made me anxious. Instead, it is my way of dealing with it. In this article, you will learn ways that […]
Impact Stress Can Have on Your Skin

Text provided by Tony Starky. Stress has become the new norm in our lives today, and it seems almost impossible to lead a stress-free life. There is enough scientific evidence as to how stress can play havoc with our health and have serious consequences. Stress can also leave an impact on your skin, hair, and […]
6 Ways Sleep Promotes Happiness and Tranquility

In our modern world, sleep is often the first thing we sacrifice for a whole host of other activities. We’ll give sleep up for a late night out, another episode of our favorite TV series, another chapter of an interesting book, getting extra work done, spending time with friends and family. In making this sacrifice, […]
3 Ways to Fit in Mindfulness When Short on Time

Let’s face it, most of us are too busy. Every day we have what seems like an endless list of things we need or want to get done, and that’s usually not even taking into consideration our job (or jobs), or time with family and friends. So, it may seem counter-intuitive to suggest adding one […]
How to cope with anxiety during the pandemic?

The world is going through a sudden change which many countries did not see coming; this all because of the sudden development of the corona virus pandemic that is affecting many global economies and personal relationships. This virus which has been spreading very fast and killing our loved ones very quickly, clearly shows how many […]
Stress: how to face the invisible killer?

The psychological conditions of a person and what they experience over a period of time are the most important factors that affect the general health. Stress and troubled psychological conditions affect the levels of cortisol and inflammation levels in the human body, causing the feeling of exhaustion and tiredness. In addition to that, it influences […]
How to manage your panic attacks?

Trying to hide from difficult moments in life often creates tension in the mind and body. Depending on the individual, it can mean different things, from going through stressful moments to social withdrawal and feeling vulnerable. Moreover, a person I was coaching on Peace Revolution self-development program shared having experienced even panic attacks, this making […]
This Is Not the Headspace I want to Embrace

Back in the days, being old enough to say that, I was a Star Trek fan. As a child of the 80’s, I was quickly enamoured when I saw the Enterprise D for the first time. Watching it with my older brother Jon in our parents’ house, if I remember correctly, I was probably eating […]