9 good habits that can improve your mental health

Your mental health is often the only aspect that is neglected during tough times. While trying to keep up with education and job, business and friends, romance, and fitness, there is a solid possibility of an individual losing sight of their mental and emotional health. Under the circumstances the planet has suffered because of the […]
Meditation: A part of the day

Sometimes when mentioning to friends or some people that I meditate, they usually ask back: “So, basically what you do is thinking of nothing, isn’t it?”. Actually, meditation is relatively more complex than that, at least in my eyes – not literally. There are already many books on different meditation types, techniques, etc. In this […]
The Art of Silence – The Sound of Awakening

It’s still on my mind, the sound of the bell in Himawan sanctuary (where I joined a meditation training) around the dining room at two places: the first one – in between the dining room and rest room, the other one – in front of the dining room, the place where I loved to sit […]
Les principes de la réussite et du développement personnel

La réussite est la combinaison de plusieurs actions conditionnées par des principes. C’est grâce à des principes que la plupart des grands Hommes ont pu développer des habitudes nécessaires à la réussite et au développement personnel. Quels sont donc ces principes et en quoi nous servent-ils à devenir de nouvelles personnes pour nous-mêmes et pour […]
Le Pouvoir Du Silence

Parler est une faculté naturelle à moins d’avoir un handicap qui nous prive de notre usage de la parole. Parler aide énormément dans le développement des relations avec les autres. Cependant, il existe un atout plus fort que la parole. Dans certaines situations de la vie, il est conseillé de garder le silence plutôt que […]
Are You an Active Listener?

In the field of teaching the second language to kids, there is a criterion called Active Listening. It’s a period of time that the kid doesn’t talk or communicate verbally. He or she just listens, and you are sometimes confused if they get what you teach. In this case, parents and teachers usually become anxious […]
When The “Self” Bloomed Within The Silence

It took me two months of reflecting, deep thinking, waves of depression, diving into the unknown, meditating, re-reading my journal, dying & re-birthing in order to arrive to the decision of transferring to you my journey to self- realization which is a process of life, light and bliss. I will start with one critical stop: Global Peace […]