Embracing Your Struggles with Love

When we learn to approach our struggles with self-compassion, acceptance, and the love of a support system, we heal more effectively by creating an environment that promotes care, growth, and understanding. Practice Self-Compassion It’s easy to be hard on ourselves when things aren’t going well. We might blame ourselves for a bad situation or feel […]
10 Ways to be Kind to Yourself

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” – Henry James Kindness is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Life will become lighter and your relationships will most likely improve. You will feel […]
Do you believe in unconditional love?

Unconditional love is the kind of love we can give unlimitedly without conditions; it is the presence of loving kindness in life for life. In the first years of life, we learn that love is conditioned; used as a reward for good behaviour. Over time, we face relationships in which we doubt whether we are […]
You’re Good Enough, And Always Have Been

If you’ve ever struggled or still struggle with loving yourself, know that you are not alone. And more importantly, know that there’s nothing wrong with you for feeling this way. In a world full of pressures and expectations, it is easy to feel less than. It is easy to compare ourselves to others or seek […]
Can We Be Kind If We Are Not Being Self-compassionate?

There is one simple exercise which I like to do on workshops: I ask participants to write kind wishes for themselves and others from the group. In most of the cases what usually happens is that people forget to write wishes for themselves, or they “leave them behind”, until the end of exercise and then […]