If you don’t live from love, you will be a slave of fear

There are people who struggle to be themselves, to live a life with integrity and in harmony with their own being. Others struggle not to get too close to themselves, not to face their fear, painful emotions and contradictory thoughts. If we seek comfort at any price, probably we will choose to be the second […]
The Enlightening Process of Dying: how I helped my grandma go peacefully

How to support those who are dying? Read about my meditation experience after taking care of my dying grandmother for 4 months.
How to embrace your fears?

Most of us come to the point in our lives when we need to face our fears. Even though some may not feel comfortable with that, it is actually a good thing, TO FEAR. Why? Because it is an indication that there is something greater or bigger than us. No matter how overwhelming it may […]
How changing the job made me go back to myself

In 2012, I was working in one of the best companies in my country. I was pretty young at the time and everything was going well, apparently well. Good job, good health, good relationships, and good salary. In terms of “social stability”, I was doing fine, but there was a huge but… I didn’t like […]