10 Things Your Brain Needs to Build a Healthy and Successful Career

Our small habits can make a significant impact on how we show up at our jobs. If you are like most people, you might not know about your own brain. Yet, your brain is who you are. It is the size of your fist, weighs about as much as a cantaloupe around three pounds and is […]
How to Listen to your Anger?

If you hate a person, then you are defeated by them. – Confucius What if anger is good for you? Remember, it does surface for a reason. Here are 5 surprising reasons why you need to listen to your anger. 1. Anger can give you balance Balance in our personal and professional life provides a […]
Meditation and Anger Management

If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape one hundred days of sorrow. Chinese Proverb When do you usually get angry? Is it when things don’t go as expected? What if you had no previous expectations? Could this be a possibility? Does getting angry change the situation in any way?