How Peru Going To Football World Cup Can Inspire You To Meditate

My generation did not see Peru in the World Cup. Last time Peru went was June 1982. I was exactly 20 days of birth when the Football World Cup began. Of course, I can´t remember it. But what I remember since being very little is the expression “I will do when Peru is going to Football World […]
Why To Study Peace?

As a Peruvian, all my life I have heard a lot of people referring to my country as “underdeveloped”, and I have always asked myself: in what way are we “underdeveloped”? I love and appreciate my country for many reasons, such as our spirituality, our strong connection with the land, our knowledge of a large […]

A mí la meditación me permite conectarme un poco más conmigo mismo, saber un poco quien soy.

Yo llevo meditando desde mediados del 2010, cuando Gaby Velarde me invitó a meditar a su casa con un grupo de amigos. Allí me enteré de Peace Revolution y, de a pocos, la meditación se convirtió en una práctica semanal ya que me permitía un espacio para mí, para relajarme, para encontrar paz.
Does Meditation Really Improves Your Creativity?

Let me show you what happened on 28th of January, when a group of 105 people got together for an artistic meditation session. We all made a big circle to meditate, create art and see how meditation can boost your creativity. As part of Peace Revolution Activities in Lima- Peru.