Have you ever wondered about evolution?

Have you ever wondered about evolution? If after reading this, you find yourself reflecting and thinking. Good. – As science says, from the beginning of existence, evolution drove the evolving of all sentient and non-sentient beings up to nowadays, where we humans, can develop a high level of consciousness about ourselves. Furthermore, due to that, […]
How to Maintain a Positive Attitude to Life When Facing Hard Times

Everyone faces a wide range of ups and downs during the lifetime journey. Along with career failures, a broken heart, or just one more lousy day, we get stressed and disappointed. But why some of us can stay optimistic when facing a hard time, while others give up and can’t find any motivation on the way […]
Committing to Self Love

Years ago, when I was in a yoga class, we were asked ‘How much attention do you pay to your hands and feet?’ The instructor went on to remind us that our hands and feet worked for us day after day. But did we ever thank them? Did we ever express our gratitude?