Making Your Passion A Profession In 4 Steps

Have you ever wondered how to go from passion to profession? I have long sought to know how to be happy every day of my life in the job that I do. It took me a long time to understand and know that being happy in your job is simply making your passion a profession. […]
Experiencing Positive Through the Negative

Like peanut butter and dark chocolate, Jersey and traffic are as common a pairing. Hardly as delicious as the former, the latter sometimes lends itself to getting one’s creative gears going. With the right song and head-space, you can easily find yourself at your destination before you know it! One song that was recently on […]
Relieve chronic pain with meditation

“I am in pain! It hurts so much I cannot get up in the morning, I cannot live a normal life”, you may hear this on a daily basis as more than one person out of ten is constantly experiencing chronic pain (this is if we generalise based on the research made by National Institutes […]