Into the Calm: join us for a meditation weekend in Latvia

In today’s fast-paced and supercharged world, sometimes we all need a moment to reboot our mind and reconnect with our inner calm. With the rising popularity of mindfulness giving us the tools to cope with the stresses and strains of daily life, an immersive experience, especially in silence, can reset our body and mind, while […]
Learning the Real Needs of People in Life

I was born in the 80s. That generation who grew up at the same time that communication technology was developing at full speed. As we were getting older, new computers, music-players and phones were successfully launched on the market every day.
Lesson 4: Want, Work and Relax

The monks will tell you that it is necessary to grow out of being a slave of your desires. They eat for the sole purpose of feeding their bodies. And that’s right for them, because they choose to live happily with that premise. For other people who are not monks, desires are part of our […]