How to live in harmony with the world nowadays?

We live in a global economical culture that is geared towards doing, succeeding, “crushing it”, making more whether it’s money or of ourselves. These actions are based on outwards and external movement. Just like nature, human life too is all about balance, and to maintain this balance, we need to spend time cultivating our inner […]
How to know if you are living in ignorance?

How many times do we fall into the trap of the mind and dare to judge someone or something without knowing the real truth about the person or the situation? Being aware of one’s own truth is the first step towards making fair judgements and decisions. We need to empty our mind to let go […]
What does it mean to be present?

When you look back in time at all the things you have left behind, it’s funny how the ¨last day¨ soon becomes ¨that day¨ and it doesn’t belong to you anymore. Like the version of yourself who lived it, is dead now. In one of his stories, Jorge Luis Borges negates the time; it reasons […]