How to Make Objective Decisions

We make decisions every day; some are very important, others – less so. They range from what to have for lunch or how to spend your weekend to leaving your job or having a child. It’s surprising then how little attention we pay to one of decision-making’s biggest variables: our own emotions. Consistency is the […]
Lessons of Meditation on a Piano Keyboard.

My meditation experience in Mooktawan was very special for several different reasons. Before this experience, I have been meditating for many years, but never very often and always trying different kinds of meditation. The year before the retreat I was more focused on the Buddhist kind of meditation and was meditating almost every day.
Indra’s Net: Recognizing our Interdependence

Indra’s net, in Hinduism and Buddhism, is a metaphor used to illustrate the philosophy of interdependence. The image associated with it is beautiful! A net where every node is a jewel (diamonds) representing life, and each jewel reflects all the others.
Invisible Monkeys

A homeless Girl was looking for a place to stay. She knocked on the door of an old Man. “May I stay with you?” she asked. The Man looked at the girl and felt pity for her. “You may,” he said, “But with one condition.
Lesson 5: Make Time for Yourself Each Day

Find a space in your room to meditate, to write, to think about yourself and most important to work for a better day. Give yourself a smile.
Lesson 4: Want, Work and Relax

The monks will tell you that it is necessary to grow out of being a slave of your desires. They eat for the sole purpose of feeding their bodies. And that’s right for them, because they choose to live happily with that premise. For other people who are not monks, desires are part of our […]
Lesson 3: Better to Ask for Forgiveness Than for Permission?

This quote is from a mentor I had years ago. He was the CEO of a big company who always wanted to share with the youth his secrets to enjoy life. I remember he had a big room in the house of his foundation and he call it: “Think Tank”.
Lesson 2: Receive “the Present” of Each Day

We heard a lot in conferences, quotes, Facebook images that we have to enjoy each day, but from my experience actually doing it is quite difficult. As my master LP John from Peace Revolution said: “Is easy, if you make it easy.”
Lesson 1: Never Stop Dreaming

Sometimes while growing up, our parents, our teachers, our friends try to affect our own dreams. Most of the time they want the best for us, but as we discover in our life paths, only us can determine what is the best for each one of us.