Meditation from Barcelona city to Galician villages

New car, expensive dress or vacation in Canarias? We often think that happiness comes from outside. How about looking inside to realize that we can be happy here and now? How about meditation? In order to share the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, from September 19 to October 1 Peace Revolution Spain organizes a tour […]
Amani Oh! Amani – A Peace Quest From Africa – Part 3

I know, I know, I went AWOL for a while. Not to worry, I’m back! Before I proceed, let me take this moment to apologise for not accounting much for time and dates in my Amani Series. I went through a couple of days without comprehending or having a feel of time. I later managed […]
Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.

The very first time when I heard about meditation happened many years ago when I was 16. I had been introduced to the world of deeper understanding, although back then I have been too young to comprehend. I remember that I was attracted by this secret power called meditation. People who meditated seemed to be […]
I just close my eyes to learn about myself

The gift of stillness continues to remind me of who I truly am. I appreciate the depth, the teaching, the encouragement and the humor that this retreat has brought me and the people…must not forget this gift.