Develop self-leadership in 5 steps

Self-leadership has become a forgotten trait in our society. However, leadership is an essential need for the stabilization of our world. When we go through the news, we see endless symptoms of a lack of leadership in our society. All the chaos, wars, the destabilization of West Africa and a debilitating economy in the world; […]
صوتك صدى الحياة

زمالة “هي” الثانية الإقليمية التابعة لمبادرة السلام العالمي ضمن مشروع نهضة السلام والتي ضمت ما يقارب الخمسة عشرة مشاركة من دول الشرق الأوسط وشمال اقريقيا. هذه التجربة كانت لمدة خمسة أيام، وتحديدًا من الرابع إلى الثامن(٤-٨) من شهرتموز (يوليو) 2018 لتعزيز ونشر ثقافة السلام بعيدًا عن منطق الاستهلاك اليومي. كانت التجربة تستهل كل يوم طيلة […]
Why global peacebuilders should join the LATAM Peace Summit 2016

Do you know someone that is doing a heroic act of kindness and cultivating peace in the world throughout their project? Have you ever wanted to recognize the great work that person is doing in the community, but you haven’t known how? Well, the wait is over. The LATAM Peace Summit 2016 in Mexico is a […]
To Lead One Must Follow

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams