Why global peacebuilders should join the LATAM Peace Summit 2016

Do you know someone that is doing a heroic act of kindness and cultivating peace in the world throughout their project? Have you ever wanted to recognize the great work that person is doing in the community, but you haven’t known how? Well, the wait is over. The LATAM Peace Summit 2016 in Mexico is a […]
Apply for LATAM Peace Summit now!
World Peace Initiative introduces LATAM Peace Summit Latam Cumbre por la Paz 2016 will offer a three-day-long training for North America, Latin America and Caribbean residents. Thought as a peace gathering, where like minded change makers and peace activists will have the opportunity to talk about their own projects in peace building and also to unify […]
These are some of the benefits you will experience in the LATAM Summit

A daily meditation comes along with multiple benefits, not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. Today I want to share with you 3 of them that can make a big impact on our daily lives: Cultivating patience We start understanding that everything comes at the right time and with it brings a lesson to […]
The Partner Fellowship in Latin America is coming soon!

WPI under the Peace Revolution project has promoted many fellowships for youth people. For the second time, WPI is inviting our partners to this fellowship specially made for them. The retreat will take place in Mexico from November 30rd until December 4th in Casa Azul in Tepoztlan, a charming village near Mexico City.

A mí la meditación me permite conectarme un poco más conmigo mismo, saber un poco quien soy.

Yo llevo meditando desde mediados del 2010, cuando Gaby Velarde me invitó a meditar a su casa con un grupo de amigos. Allí me enteré de Peace Revolution y, de a pocos, la meditación se convirtió en una práctica semanal ya que me permitía un espacio para mí, para relajarme, para encontrar paz.
La revolución de paz se cimienta en cada uno

Las técnicas meditativas orientales cautivan por igual tanto a científicos, neurólogos y psiquiatras; niños, jóvenes y adultos; ateos y teístas. La vista buena de la ciencia hacia la meditación que está redefiniendo el estilo de vida occidental. En argentina existe una ONG internacional que se encarga de difundir gratuitamente los conocimientos sobre meditación, organizar retiros […]