Embracing Life’s Fleeting Nature: how to make peace with impermanence?

In a world that often teaches us to long for stability, permanence, and control, it can be hard to accept the truth that nothing lasts forever. From our relationships and careers to our thoughts and emotions, everything is in a constant state of change. In many philosophical and spiritual traditions, particularly in Buddhism, impermanence is […]
Comment transformer sa vie avec la gratitude

Nous vivons dans un monde de défis, un monde fait de hauts et de bas – un monde dans lequel nous avons tous des rêves à réaliser et des conditions à changer. Que vous vouliez obtenir un nouvel emploi, créer votre entreprise, ou rencontrer votre âme sœur, vous êtes toujours à deux doigts d’atteindre ces […]
5 ways to bring presence and joy back to your life here, now

Here, now are perhaps among the most commonly used words till it starts to become a cliché on what these two words possibly mean. Let’s be here, now. I am here, now… and several other ways that you and I can possibly say it. The truth is that more than half of the world’s population […]
What I Learnt From An Unhappy Man

I once knew a man, aged 90. He was always unhappy. The sun was shining – too hot; it was raining – horrible; a cloudy day – what a pity there was no sun. He had an unbelievable talent to find something bad about every single situation. And to make himself even more unhappy. The man had […]
10 Ways to be Kind to Yourself

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” – Henry James Kindness is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Life will become lighter and your relationships will most likely improve. You will feel […]
9 good habits that can improve your mental health

Your mental health is often the only aspect that is neglected during tough times. While trying to keep up with education and job, business and friends, romance, and fitness, there is a solid possibility of an individual losing sight of their mental and emotional health. Under the circumstances the planet has suffered because of the […]
6 Ways to Boost your Appreciation

In the previous blog, I talked about giving without expectations and how the ego-mind is depending on the outcome of our actions to feel happy. Today I would like to share how our daily practices boost the capacity to appreciate what we already have. First things first… The simplest things can become your greater gifts. Why […]
9 Quotes to Turn Up Your Gratitude Frequency

“When you practice gratitude, fear disappears and abundance appears.” – Anthony Robbins Every time one is in a space of “not enough” and stress, they experience contraction, shallow breathing and a feeling that things are not going well. Jay Shetty says the easiest way to step into abundance is to be grateful for it, whether […]
Living on a boat: 7 benefits of a simple life

Can you imagine living with half of the belongings that you have? Do you think you could manage to live in one third of the space of your house or flat? Would your awareness of the use of natural resources change if you had to generate your own electricity and live with limited amount of […]
The Gift of Breathing In and Out

Imagine your nose is blocked, and you can only breathe with your mouth! Something so unnatural, like walking on your hands! Due to the nose septoplasty surgery (where a doctor corrects deviated septum by straightening it and re-positioning it in the middle), I spent 2 weeks breathing with my mouth only which made me realize how […]