Make your dreams a reality

When something comes into my mind, I am eager to have it. By 30s I’ve achieved many of my dreams and now I am making new ones. I have a career, I work, I teach yoga and meditation, plus I travel; something that most of the people would plan to have by their 60s. But […]
Thoughts on humanity: we can do this together, if we are united

Since for as long as I can remember, I have been consumed with thoughts about humanity. What is it? Why is it often so terrifying yet wonderful at the same time, so incredibly sad yet absolutely joyful, so much suffering yet so much of it is thriving, and I think we could go on forever…saying […]
How to Overcome the Fear of Failure?

Did you know that the young Walt Disney was fired from the newspaper because he “was deprived of imagination and good ideas”? Or that the well-known TV presenter, Oprah Winfrey, had to leave her first TV show because the management did not like how she looked in the frame? And how many times did Henry […]
Why motivation and talent are myths: the life hack for achieving anything

One of the most frustrating phrases I could ever hear somebody say is “I wish I could do that”.
How does Law of Attraction work?

If your dreams don’t scare you they are not big enough. – Ellen Johnson Sirleaf The law of attraction is about manifesting what you want and working towards making it happen. It is strongly influenced and supported by scripting. You program your mind and actions when you write down everything you want to be. How […]
Don’t believe all your thoughts!

What you hope for in life, does it tend to happen? Take a moment to think of your dreams. How much time do you allow for concrete and specific actions and act to make them happen? Living life governed by habits creates comfort, ease and also an autopilot mode decisions. It is when we no […]
How I started my Journey to Inner peace

How does it feel to ask for something and then, somehow, in some way, it’s given to you? How does it feel when you just need it and then you have it? How does it feel when your inner voice is heard by the universe that conspires to make you accomplished? What if what you […]
5 lessons from day 10 of my 90 days integrity challenge

The first quarter of the year is gone! In March 2018, I realized that the first quarter of 2018 was quickly coming to an end. I thought of the resolutions I made and the progress so far and wondered what happened. “We make such huge chunks of our goals as long as they seem far out […]
How To Improve Life With Dreams and Goals

Dreams and goals are what makes life better. The relationship between dreams and goals have been the concern of many scholars for ages. Still, many people fail to make their dreams come true and stay focused on their goals. In addition, most people are running after money or funds to sustain their dreams and goals. Why […]
How to Write an Action Plan to Achieve Your Goals

Did you ever notice how there are hundreds of books that claim they know how to make your dreams come true, and how there are thousands of articles like this one that claim to make your dreams come true. If they all worked, then wouldn’t they all say the same thing? One commonly believed key […]