5 Must Have Qualities in a Mind Training Retreat

Hey, are you tired of so many mindfulness retreats available these days offering almost the same things? You may be looking around and not sure which one is better and you may reach a point where you even doubt if its the right thing for you. I am here to make your life easier 🙂 […]
Finding contentment in the midst of the Anglophone crisis

It’s not only a gunshot that kills people during crisis. Sometimes people may die because of too much worry which leads to adverse health conditions. It’s alright to worry, but worrying too much about circumstances we cannot control is dangerous to our health. Fear from gunshots I come from the minority English speaking region of […]
Seven Steps For A Yogi Path

There’s a lot of confusion about yoga these days. For many, it’s just a brand to market their products, or a tool used in social media as a way to get thousands of likes and followers. However, yoga is not only about a perfect headstand pose, or holding your leg behind your neck. The asana […]