Tips for Job Satisfaction: Out of the Comfort Zone

Do you think you have a comfort zone or a safe zone? I do but I can go out of it. Can you? In this article, learn how “Love what you Do” can lead you to go out of your comfort zone. Tackle challenges with enthusiasm I talked about “Love what you Do” which led […]
4 Ways Travelling Makes You Grow

One day I went snorkelling on a boat in Vietnam, and met an Australian couple who travel permanently. They have retired and dedicated their life to travelling, and I was very surprised to hear from them that “travelling was hard work”. Years have passed since then, and today I perfectly understand this sentence. Not only […]
Confort ¿para qué te quiero?

Puede que a muchos nos atraigan las aventuras, sin embargo, pocos se dan cuenta que embarcarse en una aventura no es solo una oportunidad para vivir la vida al máximo, descubrir un universo entero cada vez y disfrutar de todo tipo de experiencias. También significa tener que sacrificar muchas cosas, o esencialmente una que las comprende […]
Step out of my comfort zone: Get more from Life

I think about looking at an object up-close, my eyes fixed closely on this object, seeing just one side of the coin and feeling comfortable this way anyway. Another thought also crosses my mind of this group of blind people who were told to touch an elephant and everyone really get the chance to touch […]