Going back to the roots is finding the meaning

Chasing appearances is moving away from the origin, from the meaning At the time of inner discovery, appearances are transcended. If we call truth to the changes that seem to occur in the superfluous world, this will only be due to our mental bias or confusion. When the mind exists unperturbed on the road, nothing […]
How to stop checking your phone and build focus?

According a study, an average person checks their phone over 150 times a day. Have you thought about how this habit of constantly spending time on digital devices costs your fortune and keeps you away from success? Anyone who ever made it into the hall of fame spent great chunks of time away from distractions, […]
The importance of mastering our attention

Ask yourself for a moment: What is the usual focus of your attention? Are you able to direct your attention towards whatever you want? How many times in a day are you looking for distractions and avoid being in the present moment? Do you feel that you are spending more energy in trying to change […]
Overcoming Frustration With A Happy Body And Mind

Body and mind are two main components of every human being. It’s actually amazing how our body interacts with our mind. Ever since I started my journey with Peace Revolution practising meditation and mindfulness on daily basis, I have come to learn how mind and body mutually influence each other. In this article, I would […]
Four Ways Meditation Improves Concentration

Concentration is giving your undivided attention to something while attention span is the amount of time an individual can remain focused on a task without becoming distracted. And guess what? Recent statistics confirm that, on average, a goldfish has a higher attention span than you. Here are four ways that can help you increase your […]