Blockages in intuitive painting and how to overcome them?

In the first part of this article, I shared about the practice of intuitive painting as a personally transformative and liberating way to develop mindfulness and connect with your inner creative source. In this second part, I will share with you two of the most common blockages that we face when we start intuitive painting […]
Intuitive painting as a way to connect with your Inner Self

I have always liked to paint. I remember picking up paintbrushes for the first time and painting on a blank canvas when I was only 11 years old. While I never studied art or did a course of painting (I studied biology), painting was always a passion that I returned to, whenever I needed to […]
Artistic Meditation Retreat

This article, written by Matt Witt, aims to provide some insight into the aims of the Artistic Meditation Retreat, an annual event that brings together artists from all over the world for two weeks of meditation and art creation.
My Path with Peace Revolution

In January 2014 I embarked on a new chapter in my life. I now understand that we are constantly beginning and ending chapters in our lives, day-to-day, but this seemed like one very epic beginning, like the pages of my book tore out, transformed into a flock of origami cranes, and carried me in my […]