How Art Therapy Can Promote Inner Peace

The medium of art allows us to express not only our creativity but also our innermost thoughts, feelings, and emotions. As a result, this creative mode of expression has long been recognized for its therapeutic benefits and ability to help people understand and resolve their inner conflicts and distress. Through fostering greater self-awareness and insight, […]
The Art of Being Yourself

I feel that the simplicity of life is just being yourself. – Bobby Brown One of the most creative and adventurous journeys any of us can undertake, is to learn who we really are and live a life, which is true to our authentic self. I see this as a very high form of art: […]
Finding Inner Peace Through Minimalism

The two terms minimalism and inner peace are both equally difficult to explain in their true entirety, but at the same time, the latter is an end goal of the former. Let’s try and understand the two concepts first, which will make it easier to explain the connection and how we can use minimalism to […]
Bloqueios na pintura intuitiva e como podemos superá-los

Na primeira parte deste artigo, comentei sobre a pintura intuitiva como uma prática pessoalmente transformadora e libertadora, que lhe permite desenvolver a atenção plena e conectar com a sua fonte criativa interior. Nesta segunda entrega, compartilharei com vocês sobre os dois bloqueios mais importantes que enfrentamos quando nos iniciamos nesta caminhada de criar arte desde […]
Blockages in intuitive painting and how to overcome them?

In the first part of this article, I shared about the practice of intuitive painting as a personally transformative and liberating way to develop mindfulness and connect with your inner creative source. In this second part, I will share with you two of the most common blockages that we face when we start intuitive painting […]
Intuitive painting as a way to connect with your Inner Self

I have always liked to paint. I remember picking up paintbrushes for the first time and painting on a blank canvas when I was only 11 years old. While I never studied art or did a course of painting (I studied biology), painting was always a passion that I returned to, whenever I needed to […]
A pintura intuitiva como caminho para a conexão com o Ser – PARTE 1

Sempre gostei de pintar. Lembro de pegar pela primeira vez nos pinceis e pintar numa tela em branco quando tinha apenas 11 anos. Se bem nunca estudei arte ou fiz um curso de pintura (eu estudei biologia), pintar sempre foi uma paixão à qual voltei sempre que precisei me expressar ou acalmar emocionalmente. Em algum […]
The Art of Improvisation

Have you ever planned something so well only for the plan to be upset in the last minute as a result making you feel confused? Many of us would love things in life to always go as planned. We work so hard in calculating every step on the way with the hope that everything will go […]
Seven Steps For A Yogi Path

There’s a lot of confusion about yoga these days. For many, it’s just a brand to market their products, or a tool used in social media as a way to get thousands of likes and followers. However, yoga is not only about a perfect headstand pose, or holding your leg behind your neck. The asana […]
L’art et la méditation m’ont fait renaître

Loin de ma zone de confort, loin de ma petite vie et de mon quotidien, et pour la première fois depuis si longtemps.., je me suis sentie vivante !