What Skin Conditions Are Related to Anxiety?

Feeling confident is much more challenging when you’re struggling with skin problems. Although you might deal with symptoms with at-home solutions or over-the-counter products, your mental health could be an underlying trigger. Learn more about how anxiety can cause skin issues to better understand how your body works and how to care for yourself more […]
How meditation helped me fight insomnia and anxiety

It was when I started working in the government (after more than 5 years of working in different private companies) that I got to realize that it is not about the amount of work that made me anxious. Instead, it is my way of dealing with it. In this article, you will learn ways that […]
How to cope with anxiety during the pandemic?

The world is going through a sudden change which many countries did not see coming; this all because of the sudden development of the corona virus pandemic that is affecting many global economies and personal relationships. This virus which has been spreading very fast and killing our loved ones very quickly, clearly shows how many […]
How to Overcome the Fear of Failure?

Did you know that the young Walt Disney was fired from the newspaper because he “was deprived of imagination and good ideas”? Or that the well-known TV presenter, Oprah Winfrey, had to leave her first TV show because the management did not like how she looked in the frame? And how many times did Henry […]
7 Ways Yoga Can Help You Do Better at College

Anyone who has even been to college can confidently say that they had been under a lot of stress with all the exams and the constant responsibilities. Keeping up with everything can be pretty tough on just about anyone and there are very few ways which can help you cope with the anxiety. Yoga has […]
Beyond Happiness, Above Rainbow

I remember way back while in high school, I would get sick just from worrying. I had a harsh inner critic that challenged most of the things I did and planned to do. It was very easy for me to appreciate and admire others but seldom did I find anything I did good enough. Even […]
What are the Benefits of Yoga for Anxiety?

Anxiety is caused by different external factors. It can be a result of stress from work and school. Your marriage or relationship can also contribute to this condition. For people who are sick and are expected to take medication, this can also be one of the side effects. Anxiety may not be considered as a […]
Research Shows That You May Need A Holiday Soon

Peter is in the office with Talia finishing up on his work. Both of them are expatriates mostly travelling through several countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. They are working on huge emerging projects that involve several people, and reports can be frustrating. Actually travelling, as cool as it may sound, ceased to be […]
How Meditation Can Change Your Brain

You know meditation is good for you, but did you know that it actually changes the brain in positive ways? Meditation is increasingly being used to overcome addiction because addiction itself is a negative changing of the brain, a chemical addiction. If meditation can alter the brain for the positive, addiction therapy can include more […]
How to Reduce Anxiety?

Can you recall the last time you felt anxious? What was that related to? How did you feel at that moment? We all go from time to time to short-term anxiety. Is this useful, I would ask? Does being anxious help you better cope with ambiguity and clarity? That is a question for you to […]