Peace Revolution Meditation Tour “Peace In Peace Out” in Latvia

Peace Revolution Meditation Tour “Peace In Peace Out” in Latvia

From cultural centres to medieval castles, from remote villages to vibrant cities, Peace Revolution for the first time will stop in Latvia to spread the mission of PIPO through a meditation tour Peace In Peace Out (Miers Tevī, Miers Apkārt) organized from December 1 to 11 with the Teaching Monk Luang Phi John Paramai from Thailand. The tour will gather around 500 people in all sessions together introducing them to a variety of topics, such as mindfulness, creativity, self-development and others, as well as allowing everyone to experience meditation.

The tour will start in Riga with a session Mind Your Mind at MANSARDS, the centre for the creative initiative and spiritual development. Then, the tour will move to the West part of Latvia – Zaļenieki Manor with a session about meditation and self-development, as well as Jaunpils Castle with a session about how to be here and now. On December 4, the tour will continue to Lielvārde with a morning session in the museum of Andrejs Pumpurs, and then to Ogre Cultural centre with a title session Peace In Peace Out. After visiting different parts of Latvia, the PIPO mission will be carried further to several venues in Riga, offering sessions about creativity (MANSARDS), daily discipline and achieving goals (ATMA centre), as well as loving kindness meditation (Goethe Instituteand finally PIPO Night at I-DEJAS MĀJA, the closing event organized as a candle light ceremony.

There will also be sessions offering an opportunity to learn more about the Monk’s Life and living in harmony with nature (Kaņepe Cultural Centre), as well as a session Google with Monk, where participants will be allowed to ask to the Teaching Monk any questions that they may have.

Luang Phi John will also give some private sessions, for instance, a session about improving concentration at Riga Jugla Secondary School, a session about mindfulness at BITE telecommunications company, as well as a session about creativity to the Tour Friend social community portal

Apart from exploring a certain topic, each session will offer an opportunity to learn about the basic Dhammakaya meditation and its techniques, to realize the importance of the inner peace, as well as experience a 30 minutes long guided meditation session.

No previous experience in meditation is required to participate in the sessions. Everyone is welcome to explore the art of meditation. The sessions are free of charge (or for donations to help us cover the tour expenses).

It is recommended to register for each session, which can be done by filling a registration form in Peace Revolution Latvia Events on Facebook. To register, once can also send an email to

Peace Revolution’s slogan Peace In, Peace Out (PIPO), stands for each individual’s choice to be the change that they want to see in the world. We believe that world peace is achievable if each individual works on developing his inner peace first. Hence, when improving our inner peace, we are contributing to a peaceful environment around us.

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1 Comment

  1. Nagle Silvija.

    Gribēju pateikties par skaisto meditācijas rītu Lāčplēša muzejā.Tas bij tik jauki .Mīļş dvēselisks paldies.

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