How do you love yourself?
If I got a penny every time I felt stuck or down, I would have become a millionaire! OK, that is a metaphor! In other words, life was showing me I really had to work on this and I did not find it easy to do so. I tried to convince myself that yes, this […]
Are successful people cut from a different cloth?
Many times society told people they were average, while successful and happy people are cut from a different cloth. Deepening the understanding of our potential, environment and opportunities can prove how this is a false belief. Building a bullet prove mindset that you have the ownership of, as well as creating the habits that support […]
Miedo a los cambios y cómo superarlos
En este artículo les comparto mi más reciente experiencia en la cual enfrenté muchos cambios los cuales traían a su vez muchos miedos y traumas. La forma en como surgen estos miedos muchas veces nos toma desapercibidos, y se nos dificulta encontrar la manera de sobrepasarlos, finalizando muchas veces en metas y planes inconclusos y […]
How Writing Helps Achieving Peace of Mind
People who are spending their lives in the 21st century are going through more stress as compared to the people of a previous age. Thus, the intensity of resolving the issues and helping others achieving peace and happiness has also minimized. It means that humanity lacks in the new generation. The result will be distress. […]
Cinco estratégias para lidar com os malfeitores
Como não ficar decepcionado com as pessoas? Mentiras, inveja, traição, indiferença, deslealdade… A lista de coisas ruins e surpreendentes a que estamos sujeito pelos nossos amigos, familiares e amores é longa. A qualquer momento na vida, vamos nos decepcionar com alguém – seja porque nutrimos expectativas, ilusões e fantasias, seja porque o outro vacilou mesmo. […]
Why motivation and talent are myths: the life hack for achieving anything
One of the most frustrating phrases I could ever hear somebody say is “I wish I could do that”.
How to manifest your wish to attend Tony Robbins Event
If You Believe it, you can see it; then Life will never be the same after that. Those were the words that I kept telling myself since the day I left Tony Robbins Event, where I spent four amazing days full of energy shared by 12’000 beautiful souls from 68 countries from all over the […]
5 Strategies To Deal With Evildoers
How not to be disappointed with people? Lies, envy, betrayal, indifference, disloyalty… The list of bad and surprising things that we are subjected to by our friends, family, and partners is long. At any point in life, we are going to be disappointed with someone – whether we nurture expectations, illusions, or fantasies, or because […]
10 Tips For Raising A Happy Child
‘I want my children to be happy’, this is a common phrase whenever you ask parents what they want for their children. Children’s well-being is very important for everyone responsible for them. Do parents know how to strike a balance between providing for the kids and making them happy? Doing what is best for the […]
A Simple Way to Boost Productivity and Creativity
Have you ever felt unproductive or short of creativity? I guess this happens to all of us at some point in life even when we have a genius talent in what we do. There’s just this moment in your career or time of the day when you feel the ideas are not coming forth as […]