How to develop new skills through meditation?

How to develop new skills through meditation?

Meditation is still a taboo in some cultures of the world. Even in the circle of people who meditate today, many do not yet know how meditation can actually help them. In this article, I share some of my experiences after 5 years of meditation practice while explaining how to develop new skills through meditation.

I was a very nervous person

It was in 2015 when I longed to succeed without knowing how. At the time, a friend spoke to me about meditation as a tool for relaxation, self-control and self-confidence. The second argument convinced me because I was a very nervous person who did not know how to control his anger. Although I was often right, my anger played a lot against me in many situations. Very often, rather than being the one who is right, I found myself as the one to be blamed by everyone. I lost opportunities, I lost people who are dear to my heart, because of my inability to control my anger.

If you are in such a situation, I invite you to join PEACE REVOLUTION, because it is on this platform that I had the chance to begin my practice of meditation. I am today far from the best version of myself, but I can reassure you that many things have changed in my life both personally and professionally since I began to meditate.

Beyond our limits

In 2015, I only had the intellectual capacity to teach and animate radio programs. So, I was a teacher and a journalist. One might wonder about the relationship between skills and meditation. Yet, one of the things that meditation helps us develop is self-confidence. With such a weapon, we are able to make the impossible possible. Self-confidence pushes us beyond conventions to help us discover our innate talents. It is because our mind is not peaceful and quiet that we cannot see beyond our limits. Indeed, all the answers to the different questions that we ask are already within us, and it is in this that meditation helps us develop new habits, formerly beyond our reach.

From TV host to Digital Strategist

I would like to start from the premise that I was a teacher and a journalist in 2015, without any other classical training and without any other aptitude. After only 2 years of meditation practice, I found myself in a professional world completely different from what I have always been. First of all, I found myself as a TV host, then I had the ability to manage community projects and recently I have become a digital strategist. I have also quickly and easily learned to develop new skills such as Web Marketing and Personal Branding. I excel in graphic and video editing, as well as in the creation of websites. Things formerly beyond my reach have become possible today. But how?

Becoming a Master of My Life

Mediation is a mental exercise that helps us find the calm of our mind in order to seize all its resources. Human beings cannot succeed or prosper because many things prevent them. We run after things of this world forgetting to take care of our spirit. The mind is the engine that makes everything start in our life and its potential is infinite. When we have the chance to access this potential, everything becomes possible and nothing is impossible. Meditation is therefore the tool that allows us to take control of our mind and become a master of our life. If you want to learn to meditate, you can start your own experience by registering for free with the Self-Development Program (SDP) available online on the PEACE REVOLUTION website.