How Can Meditation Help you Clarify Your Life Goals
How Can Meditation Help you Clarify Your Life Goals

How Can Meditation Help you Clarify Your Life Goals

The Purpose of Life Is to Discover Your Gift. The Meaning of Life Is to Give Your Gift Away. Pablo Picasso

As early as we can make sense of things, we start attributing significance to everything around us. We search for a higher purpose, contributing to a mission, revealing what we are supposed to aim for. This quest is a never ending story, since a decision to invest ourselves into something only alleviates our thirst momentarily. It can also be, that life can be spent otherwise than as a search.

Through meditation I started acknowledging that life does not start when the purpose of life is clear. Life is here and happening already. And I can actually set for myself my life goals, one step at a time. Here are some questions I came up with; questions that acted as guidance for defining what it is that is truly important for myself.

1. What would you save the world from?

Many of us make bettering the world our life goal. We feel that it is up to us to save the world. And it is. The world changes in itself, and if we want to see a certain kind of transformation, it’s up to us to make that happen. Take a look inside. What aspects of the world do you want to tackle first? If your goal is to save the world from injustice, break this big goal in smaller, attainable goals. Decide for yourself what is the first action you can take now to be on your way of harvesting peace and security in the world.

2. What do you want to see in the mirror every single day?

What is it that you appreciate about yourself? How do you want to be remembered? If you dream of becoming a strong, independent, loving and determined person, what could support you in being so? We expect from others to give us what we most long for. Regardless of how much we long for affection and acknowledgement, unless we offer that firstly to ourselves and afterwards to the people who are important to us, we will never be able to recognise it.

How Can Meditation Help you Clarify Your Life Goals
Be in your power

Image source: Peace Revolution

3. What makes you forget that you need to eat and sleep?

There are moments in life when we immerse in doing something; we often forget about everything else. Those moments of flow, when everything falls into place and we feel there is no limit to our creativity, are what drives us. Recognise those moments and claim them as a token of what your true goal in life is. When you enjoy something so much, it is an opening for you to explore what other learnings it bears for you.

4. In what other aspects of your life does your fear of failure hold you back?

A beginner’s mind is a doubtful mind that becomes visible through the practice of meditation. Each of us hold on to many beliefs and fears that are folding us back from either gaining clarity over what our life goals are or how to achieve them. If you have observed that fear of failure is a breeze that disconcerts you from pursuing your goals, ask yourself in what other domains of life are you holding back?

Life goals are a subject that appears on our radars at key moments. Start your days with a meditation session and ask for guidance and clarity in defining what is important to you at the present moment and what shape you want to give your day.