14 Ways My Self-Transformation Happened Through Meditation
Since I started meditating on daily basis, I have had a profound and positive personal transformation. Here is what I learned since I started to meditate: 1) I understand that everything I do has an effect or consequence in the outside. If I think, speak and behave with positivity and optimism, the universe will answer […]
Respiro profundo: Meditar en Tailandia
Lucila Voloschin ha viajado en tres ocasiones al sudeste asiático para estudiar con monjes budistas. Su experiencia invita a los jóvenes a conocer el Programa Peace Revolution. He tenido la maravillosa oportunidad de viajar becada tres veces a Tailandia, para asistir a un programa de Meditación y Desarrollo Personal ofrecido por monjes budistas y organizado […]
Life-changing Scholarship Opportunities in Thailand
Just like those unexpected and wonderful things that happen in life, my cousin suggested me I take a look at an article. It was entitled “The Most exotic Scholarships of the World.” She emphasized that I was probably the only person she knew who would be interested in those kind of weird things. By weird, […]
Why I Love Meditation Retreats
If you are one of those people (just like me) who always seek for something else than just relaxing holidays far away from daily routine, then you should consider this kind of retreat. Not only will you enjoy cosy accommodation, beautiful surroundings and delicious healthy food, but also precious time to have a real encounter with […]