Sleep Disorders: How They Affect Your Health

Sleep Disorders: How They Affect Your Health

If you are spending a night by constantly tossing and turning, you will understand the feeling that you are going to get the next day. You are going to feel cranky and tired throughout the entire day. However, if you are not sleeping for 8 hours, you are not only going to feel grumpy, you are going to suffer from the unwanted effects of sleep deprivation. Not getting enough sleep can lead to sleep disorders, which will drain the mental ability and put the health at risk. According to many sites, the use of excess social media is also disrupting sleep. Given below is a list of how sleep disorders affect health.

Stress and anxiety 

Stress and anxiety are two of the most common problems that almost every family faces because of the seriously paced lifestyle that they lead. Most people find it extremely difficult to balance between their sleep and work and this is one of the most important causes of sleep disorders. If you are suffering from chronic stress, it can have several unwanted implications on your health. For instance, you can go through long states of nervousness. It can also affect your blood pressure, heartbeat rhythm, and skin.

Affects the central nervous system

One question that has been bothering people constantly is how sleep disorders impact our physical health? The central nervous system is undoubtedly the most important center of your body. You need to make sure that you are sleeping properly to keep the central nervous system functioning perfectly. Unfortunately, chronic insomnia is responsible for disrupting the body and makes sending information difficult. This can also affect mental abilities, as well as your emotional state in a negative manner. You can start feeling impatient and can have mood swings. Creativity and decision-making processes can also be affected.

Affects the immune system

When you are sleeping, the immune system is responsible for producing protecting and infection-fighting substances like cytokines. Cytokines are capable of combating foreign invaders, which include bacteria and viruses. Cytokines help you to sleep and provide the immune system with better energy so that your body can fight against illness. Not getting enough sleep can prevent the immune system from fighting against diseases. It can also lead to chronic conditions like heart diseases and diabetes.

Affects the respiratory system

A breathing disorder that results from not getting enough sleep is known as obstructive sleep apnea, which is responsible for interrupting the sleep as well as lowering quality. When you are waking up at night, it can lead to sleep deprivation, which can cause respiratory infections like the flu or common cold. Sleep deprivation is also capable of making respiratory diseases worsen and can lead to a chronic lung illness.

Affects the digestive system

Eating a lot and not exercising is also one of the risk factors of becoming overweight and obese. When you are not sleeping properly at night, you will find it extremely difficult to exercise. Reduced physical activities can lead to the gain of weight because your body is not burning calories. This can lead to type-2 diabetes.


It is your responsibility to make sure that you are trying to get enough sleep at night. Adults need to sleep for at least 8 hours to make sure that they are staying away from unwanted sleep disorders.

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