Punctuality and Its Effects on Our Mind

Punctuality and Its Effects on Our Mind

While concepts of being on time vary across cultures and nations, punctuality is regarded as a universal value whose effects remain positive regardless of where we find ourselves. Being punctual may have different meaning in many areas of the globe. In some cultures, lateness may be tolerated to some extend while in others, it is absolutely unacceptable. We define punctuality as the quality of adhering to the appointed time or scheduled activities and explore how it affects our mind and hence, our live.

What is punctuality?
Several studies confirm that punctuality is a virtue that is possessed by most successful and respectful people. This virtue leads to efficiency and good mental health because one’s mind is freed from pressure or tension. Such stress and fears emerge from not honoring set times or meeting deadlines among other causes.  Punctuality is therefore seen as a time saver.

Punctuality as a bane to the mind’s stillness
Being chronically late can be caused by a nurtured habit, which unfortunately can ruin one’s life if not well checked on time and dealt with early. In most cases, procrastination often leads to lateness. Procrastination is the tendency to defer an activity to later times by giving excuses.  No matter the causes, punctuality can affects one’s state of mind. A disturbed mind could lack concentration, be stressed, or afraid in circumstances where lateness is prohibited. 

How punctuality helps one’s mind.
Being on time makes one’s mind relax as there is ample time to prepare (the lessons, meeting, presentations, classes, lectures…), to recollect, and reevaluate actions and work before submission. One feels calm within when not rushing to attend, or catching up a flight etc. It also conveys politeness and respect unto others. It can earn us a reputation, respect and can reveal about our integrity. We become reliable, dependable and trustworthy. We are seen as serious people with discipline and a sense of commitment to our activities. All these above stated benefits make our mind happy and still.

Why is it unsafe to be late?
Those of us always late, have a tendency to formulate blame on other factors, forge lies to justify the tardiness. Once this becomes an everyday thing, we become liars, which does not really help anyone including ourselves. Lateness can also lead to accidents especially when people rush and may be hit by motorists among other accidents on the road.  Late to bed, means late to waking up and late to waking up may be late to being at work. However, whilst punctuality may simply means being on time, to be too early to the time may also not be preferred by some people though it has lesser bad effects compared to being late.

How can one overcome lateness?

Any long developed habit takes time to change. Once tardiness becomes a part of one’s life, it takes a lot of sacrifices and efforts to adjust as it may need a change a style of life which, does not happen overnight. While many people prefer to use alarm clocks as a reminder, we can naturally learn to build this reflex of being on time by simply deciding to change our life style and practice of being on time. Another way is by preparing a well planned to-do list for the following day in the evening of day before. In cases where lateness  comes from multi-tasking several projects, we recommend meditation to nurture inner calmness, attentiveness, attention and focus. With this state of mind, we may learn to prioritize what matters at the time leading to a well-planned and orderly life.


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