Have you been thinking about regular yoga exercise but did not know where to start? We always recommend to start with the teacher first, but if in some case live classes are absolutely out of your reach (you live in on top of a hill or you work 12 hours a day), then we encourage you to try online. Starting a yoga practice of just 10-20 minutes a day can bring about a lot of beautiful changes to your life, so get ready.  Where to start?


You have many resources here, but there is no quality check, so be careful who you follow and whose advice you take. There are some good yoga channels followed by many people. The teachers have a well established practice themselves and they are serious about explaining the asanas. Do you want to give it a try? Here are some that I like – Yoga with Adriene, KinoYoga, and my absolute favourite – Donna from the Yoga Vine.


This is an app that offers free classes every week from top teachers. The classes are normally prerecorded and run at very confusing Pacific time, but the quality is good and if you register, they will send you an email reminder which may motivate you to join at least one class per week.

Yoga International

It is a very big resource about yoga, they write good long articles and organise digital conferences, and you can access a wide variety of classes if you get a subscription, but even without a subscription you can watch conferences for free during the time they run and read limited number of articles (believe me, you don’t want to read more than the limited number).

Do you have a good resource you use for your online yoga practice? Feel free to share in the comments.