Civil March To Aleppo

So it is happening. We are going to Aleppo. And we invite each and every one of you to join to walk in peace. All together.


It all started with Ania Alboth and her facebook post – “I can’t take it anymore. Should I just go there? Would it help? Should we go all together? Like ALL TOGETHER? Make the Balkan route, the sea route, and from Turkey to Syria? Same way, just other way round. All of us? If this could change things, if a crowd of Europeans would get to Aleppo, would you go with me?”. In a moment there were comments appearing. More and more people were joining the conversation. With all the madness around and inside we decided to act. Act as we can and act as we are able to. To show the civilian resistance. To show that we disagree. We are too many – we have had enough of feeling powerless. And together we are more. We couldn’t stand it any longer and we know that as citizens we have the power and strength. We want to manifest our attitude toward what is happening now. We know that we are not alone. We believe that thousands of people will join this March, for one day, for one week, for one month. Together we will walk in peace.


We believe this is our shared world and we are all responsible for how it looks like. We aim to transform social and political structures – structures which make war possible, structures we are all part of. There are more of us who share the values of peace, justice and equality, the ones that do not remain neutral in situations of injustice and cannot stay indifferent when seeing what is happening in Syria now. We consider it our shared problem and our shared responsibility. As we are all humans.


The march will start on 26th of December from Berlin and will go through the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey, to Aleppo.

You can find more information on our webpage:

and Facebook page and event:


This March will be a united effort. An effort of each and every one of us who will walk his/her distance. We invite you to join the march, to join the movement, to share the information with your community and to stand for human rights with all of us. All together.


How you can join us, except for simply walking with us?

You can:

  1. share the information about the march with as many people as possible.
  2. write about the march on your webpage/blog/social media.
  3. give us your feedback and inputs about the march.
  4. share contacts you think might be useful for organization we still need medical help & contacts to organizations on the way.
  5. have plenty of amazing ideas we haven’t thought about yet.


We hope that we can count on you to help us make Civil March For Aleppo a big and meaningful event.


Will you join us?
Agnieszka and Civil March For Aleppo Crew