4 Fun Activities That Can Help Boost Your Focus

It is impossible to be focused all of the time, and as humans, we are expected to lose our concentration from time to time. All you can do is learn how to expand the amount of time you spend focusing on a task, as well as how to refocus once you have lost your concentration. […]

3 Ways to Combat a Sedentary Lifestyle

Over the past year, the COVID19 pandemic has made it harder for people to stay active. With most of us spending more time than usual at home and gyms and fitness centers closed or operating on a limited capacity in order to slow the spread of the virus, it can often feel like our lifestyles […]

A story – about past, present, future

Are you here and now, present? If so, that must mean that you feel at peace with your past, and also that you do not live expecting from the future, with fear. Let’s reflect on those three, what are their immediate meanings? Think about your past; what is your history? And what does it mean […]

6 Ways Sleep Promotes Happiness and Tranquility

In our modern world, sleep is often the first thing we sacrifice for a whole host of other activities. We’ll give sleep up for a late night out, another episode of our favorite TV series, another chapter of an interesting book, getting extra work done, spending time with friends and family. In making this sacrifice, […]

How a monk’s diet helped me lose weight

2016. I started gaining weight when I came back to my home country after several months abroad. My friends and family had been noticing how fat I had become and I couldn’t help but to be annoyed by their bullies. To add insult to the injury, my doctor advised me to go on a diet […]

Walking barefoot: a direct way to reconnect with the Earth

This year, since the frosting season came to an end in early Spring, I tried to go for a barefoot walk every day. I immediately noticed an incredible difference compared to walking with shoes on. Actually, it made me wonder whether humanity has lost its connection with the Earth since we started to wear shoes […]

Mindful Eating: Developing a Healthy Attitude Towards Food

You may be wondering what mindful eating is. The term “mindful eating” actually comes from the word “mindfulness”, which is an awareness of feelings, thoughts, behaviors and behavioral urges. But what does “mindful eating” mean? Mindful eating takes the concept of mindfulness and applies it to eating. It involves paying close attention to the type […]

Tips for Job Satisfaction: Out of the Comfort Zone 

Do you think you have a comfort zone or a safe zone? I do but I can go out of it. Can you? In this article, learn how “Love what you Do” can lead you to go out of your comfort zone. Tackle challenges with enthusiasm I talked about “Love what you Do” which led […]

Tips for Job Satisfaction: LOVE what you DO

All of us would like to be happy and successful in our job. But very few people love what they do, and this is the reason why they cannot find happiness at work and tend to complain about their job. This article will help you understand the difference between LOVE what you DO vs DO […]