Why Everyone Needs to Practice Meditation
Based on my own experience as a meditation trainer, people wonder a lot about when and why one needs to maintain meditation practice. Should that also be a misunderstanding of what meditation is all about? Possibly. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, meditation means, “engage in contemplation or reflection, or to plan or project in […]
The Tripple Socratic Filters To Overcome Gossiping Habit
Have you ever had the urge to gossip about your neighbour, colleague or a celebrity that you don’t even know in person? Though we often feel pleasure doing so, gossiping can lead to establishing a bad habit. Moreover, it defiles the mind with negativity that comes from jealousy, envy, waste of time and energy which […]
NO To Pessimism
In my language Kirundi, we say “Ntawutanga ico adafise” which means, you cannot give what you don’t have. This is similar to how Peace Revolution project envisions peacebuilding with its PIPO (Peace In – Peace Out) concept, putting emphasis on cultivating inner peace first before spreading peace to the outer world. I have been receiving invitations to […]
Overcoming Frustration With A Happy Body And Mind
Body and mind are two main components of every human being. It’s actually amazing how our body interacts with our mind. Ever since I started my journey with Peace Revolution practising meditation and mindfulness on daily basis, I have come to learn how mind and body mutually influence each other. In this article, I would […]
Du paradoxe Socratique à la libération totale de sa rancœur
Platon[1], un des fervents disciples de Socrate[2], affirme que connaitre le bien veut dire faire le bien. Cette affirmation est, sans doute, écho fidèle du paradoxe Socratique quant à son enseignement éthique. Dans le domaine de l’éthique, on appelle « paradoxes socratiques » un certain nombre de points de vue défendus par Socrate et allant à l’encontre […]
The Key To Success Is In You
Millions of people, mostly young ones, are struggling day and night to achieve “success” in their lives. Unfortunately, given hundred people questioned about what they call success, the chance to have less than 80 different answers is very little. In such situation, there are many possibilities that the majority of those answers are somehow missing […]