A Celebration of US Protest Signs

How do we fight for peace? In my last article, I spent a lot of time discussing the value of the inner aspects of peace activism. Those elements are totally important, yes, but I feel called to celebrate organized peaceful protest as well. This comes on the heels of the the US Women’s March, which […]

Peace Activism and the Local Movement

As the global society grows more and more entangled in unsavory political, economic, and war-based national policies, the citizens of the world are finding it imperative to make our voices heard. We will not stand for the atrocities being committed by governments that supposedly exist to organize, protect, and serve their peoples. The war culture […]

Kick Consumerism, Give Peace

The way North Americans celebrate the holidays has inspired scrutiny for decades now, ever since big retailers realized they could capitalize on the tradition of holiday gift giving. Ho-ho-ho, give us your money. On a personal level, the holidays are a celebration of joy, abundance, and community. But the outer manifestation of all that? Shopping […]

3 Simple Ways to be a Mindful Neighbor This Winter

It’s winter in the Northern Hemisphere. You wake up in the morning to a cold house. You hold your breath as your toes hit the frigid floor. You shuffle to your meditation cushion and wrap yourself in the warmest blanket in the house. Light a stick of incense. Shiver. It’s meditation time. A half-hour passes […]

Finding Peace After Prison: How You Can Help


Here’s a million dollar word for you: Recidivism. Recidivism is the habitual or repeated lapse into criminal behavior. The most blatant example of recidivism is when a recently-released prisoner commits a second crime with the express intent of landing back in jail. A more subtle case is when a prisoner is released, does not  have […]