4 Ways Spending Time With Your Immediate Family Benefits You
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4 Ways Spending Time With Your Immediate Family Benefits You

The contemporary lifestyle is very demanding and has several facets which need to be catered to simultaneously. According to modern standards, a person must remain vigilant and conscious about several things which include social status, health, beauty, a promising career, a happening social life, and so on and so forth. Attempting to satisfactorily achieve all of this can sometimes be very aggravating and can lead to a person becoming agitated and even downright depressed when things are not going well. In this whole ordeal, one aspect of life that is likely to suffer immensely is the time you spend with your immediate family.

With increasing pressures and technological distractions, communication between immediate family members is often hindered and they seldom spend quality time with one another. While some may consider themselves to be too busy, others may simply lack the empathy to make plans or give their immediate family the required attention.

However, if you knew how much spending time with your immediate family is likely to benefit you and them, surely everyone would make it their first priority. Spending time with your immediate family does not only provide something to do on a weekend but also has several health and well-being benefits.

Here are 4 ways that spending time with your immediate family will benefit you.

  1. You will relieve stress

There is no place like home and no better friend than your own family. Spending time with your immediate family gives you a cushion to everyday stress and allows you to release stress levels by having an engaging and heart-connecting conversation. When a person feels close to his/her immediate family, he/she realizes that they have a proper support system and this can substantially decrease their risk of stress-related diseases.

For example, spending time with a parent reduces a key stress hormone and also injects oxytocin into the brain, which is a chemical that makes you feel good. Hence, whether you are spending time with your kids for their benefit or spending time with your own parents to give yourself an uplift, it is a win-win situation.

2. You are likely to live longer

Having meaningful relationships with your loved ones is associated with longevity as explained by a study from Brigham Young University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers. Hence, if you take out time every day or at least every week to spend time with your immediate family, this is likely to give your lifeline a boost and you will potentially live a longer and happier life.

Having a family is a blessing as parenting is also a proven aspect of living a more fulfilling, meaningful and thus a potentially longer life, void of major health issues. Therefore, those who cherish their families and make it a point to spend more time with them, definitely add to their years.

3.  You are less likely to have mental health issues

Mental health is a very important aspect of a fulfilling life and as life becomes more pressurising, many people are likely to suffer from several mental health issues including dementia, ADHD, depression, anxiety, and others. However, spending time with your immediate family helps you develop a bond that gives you the required strength to deal with everyday pressures and allows you to keep your brain balanced. A Swedish study that examined adults aged 75 and over stated that those who had satisfying and meaningful relationships with their family were less likely to suffer from dementia.

Spending time with your family helps you reduce stress, connect with people who can help, and reassure you that you have an active support system to assist you in matters that are important to you.  Spending quality time with your immediate family is more beneficial than speaking to a therapist as regular family time provides the same stress-relieving therapy that you pay for. According to a study that surveyed 309,000 people, it was found that strong relationships are a cause for longevity and decrease the risk for premature death by 50%. Another study stated that caring behavior is beneficial for both the giver and the recipient and releases stress-reducing hormones, decreasing the chances of brain diseases.

4.  You are likely to have a sharper memory

We usually remember things that matter most to us, don’t we? When our minds are filled with meaningful information that also hold emotional relevance to us, this leads to a sharper and more accurate memory. As mentioned above, adults over the age of 75 who had meaningful relationships with their family and friends were less likely to be diagnosed with dementia. Studies have proven that emotionally charged events are more likely to be remembered and pleasant emotions are remembered more than unpleasant ones. Hence, creating happy memories with your family is definitely a plus point for your memory as it leads to brain exercises increasing your accuracy in details and allowing more retention.

These results are usually highly visible and signs of better cognitive abilities and memory can easily be measured. Your sharper memory will be a highly beneficial asset to your career, sociability, and other aspects of life.

Hence, spending time with family does not only benefit them but is also highly beneficial to you. As proven by several scientific studies, caring behavior is beneficial to both the giver and the recipient and does wonders for your stress and anxiety levels, significantly reducing them and leading you to a happier and healthier existence.

There are numerous other benefits to spending time with your immediate family which involve your emotional wellbeing, the way your children are raised, and benefits that can aid in elevating your career. Research suggests that professionals with a stable family life are likely to achieve more than those who do not have a very comfortable or fulfilling relationship with their immediate families.  Likewise, research also states that children who are raised in an environment which supports family time are likely to make better decisions in life.

Do not ignore your family, as they will lead you to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life!