10 Tips For Raising A Happy Child

10 Tips For Raising A Happy Child

‘I want my children to be happy’, this is a common phrase whenever you ask parents what they want for their children. Children’s well-being is very important for everyone responsible for them. Do parents know how to strike a balance between providing for the kids and making them happy? Doing what is best for the child does not automatically translate to happiness for them. It has been discovered that happy kids turn into successful adults as they are happy at work and out of work. They are likely to be content with every step of their life and do better at it. I do my homework to discover how to raise happy children.

1. Be happy

Sounds selfish, but how will your children be happy if you are not. How do you share something you do not have? Researchers established that negative attitude or depression leads to parents acting out on their children, leading to behavioral problems in the lives of the children. A happy parent automatically rubs off some of the happiness on the children, though no genetic component can connect the two. Hang around friends who are happy enjoy laughing some more. Laughter is contagious.

2. Teach children the importance of building relationships

Most parents do not actually take the time to teach children how to build relationships, yet they are important people skills. Encourage your kid to engage in small acts of kindness. These acts lighten up the mood of others leaving them feeling happy.

3. Do not overemphasize achievement

Kids with perfectionist guardians are more likely to register high levels of substance abuse, depression, and anxiety. This means that parents should praise effort so that the children keep engaging until they achieve. If your kid is smart, do not encourage their intelligence because they will always be uptight not to lose their smart title rather than concentrate on enjoying their childhood.

4. Learn optimism

When children are taught how to look at the world optimistically they are less prone to depression, especially at the puberty stage. Optimists are successful, they live longer and healthier; because they are less likely to suffer anxiety and end up satisfied.

5. Emotional intelligence

Teach children how to be emotionally intelligent is a skill which can be learned. Let children understand their emotions naturally. When they are struggling with emotions, empathize with them, label their emotions, then validate what they are feeling. While helping, let them know it is okay to feel that way.

6. Let them be independent

Being around the child every minute makes them feel the need to depend on you fully. This is irritating, especially if it’s play time and you see the child is not doing something fatal, let them be. It’s okay for kids to fall while playing and they will learn how to play better and safer. If they fall they will just cry within a minute, and then they will be playing again. Save yourself the pressure.

7. Help your kid work through interesting skills

Be keen to note any skills your child might be interested in. It might be emulating dance moves, playing a musical instrument or anything else. Allow them to pursue on by encouraging them and guiding them. They might pursue the skill later or not, but they will definitely be better at it.

8. Spend moments together

Spending time and moments with your child is encouraged, especially moments filled with fun activities. Play video games together and remember to disengage your adult mode and become a child for a while; this will strengthen your friendship with your child. Develop trust and strengthen the bond you have with your child and they will be happy dealing with you as a friend.

9. Increase playtime

Most children are so mindful of what they do for fear of punishment that they forget to enjoy their playtime. Let children enjoy unstructured playtime which helps them in emotional and cognitive development. They learn how to resolve conflicts amongst themselves, share, negotiate, speak up and regulate behavior and emotions.

10. Listen to your child

Children have emotions and they communicate them. As a parent, you should be able to detect when your child is developing an inferiority complex. They need to know the first person they can talk to about anything and everything. Having dinner together as a family is a part of listening because the child can talk as the parents listen. Researchers found out that children who enjoy dinner with their families are less depressed and are less likely to turn to drugs.

Raising a happy child is tasking because you have to learn to interact and give moderate guidance while maintaining your responsibility as a parent. Children will rely on you when they need assignment help and when they need a mate to play with. Learn to be that person that your child can rely on every time, be a team player, a parent and a friend, this will be a source of happiness for your child. All parents want their children to become adults that they are extremely proud of later in life.

Photo by Di Lewis from Pexels

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