Finding Inner Peace Through Minimalism
The two terms minimalism and inner peace are both equally difficult to explain in their true entirety, but at the same time, the latter is an end goal of the former. Let’s try and understand the two concepts first, which will make it easier to explain the connection and how we can use minimalism to […]
سبعة عادات مفيدة للجسم
يقول المثل العربي: “من يمتلك الصحة يمتلك الأمل، ومن يمتلك الأمل يمتلك كل شيء”.يكاد الاهتمام بالجسم أن يكون على هرم الأولويات في حياتنا، بل وهو الأهم على الإطلاق وذلك لأننا إن لم نحافظ عليه سنفقد الأمل في حب ذاتنا وحب حياتنا وبالتالي سيكون من الصعب علينا أن نشارك الآخرين الإيجابية وحب النفس، وبالتالي خلق حياة […]
Self-Care Habits to Start Practicing Today
In this day and age, we often get lost in hectic routines and obligations that seem to keep piling up. In these busy periods, the first thing we tend to forget about is ourselves. Whether we’re focusing on our jobs, challenges at home, or getting through the holidays, we don’t necessarily allow ourselves to take […]
Habits to boost your brain activity and performance
Focus, productivity, and success are what keep ourselves motivated and can boost our brain activity and performance. Anyone can develop excellency, and there are things you can practice to awaken your inner genius. Here is what you can do to keep your brain active, sharp and positive: 1) Upon waking up, remember your dreams. A person […]
How to Maintain a Positive Attitude to Life When Facing Hard Times
Everyone faces a wide range of ups and downs during the lifetime journey. Along with career failures, a broken heart, or just one more lousy day, we get stressed and disappointed. But why some of us can stay optimistic when facing a hard time, while others give up and can’t find any motivation on the way […]
How to Develop a Positive Mindset?
Changing a negative attitude is a challenge. This attitude keeps people from being happy and also impacts the people you are interacting with, but being positive has a direct connection with success and happiness. Everyone needs to be positive in their mindset and make some small adjustments in daily life to achieve the change. It […]
3 Steps to Finding Inner Peace At Home
The world we live in seems to be getting more hectic with each passing day. And while it’s certainly true that now is probably one of the best times to be alive, finding peace of mind and some much needed inner peace can be quite a challenge. Making your home a space where you can […]
Sleep Disorders: How They Affect Your Health
If you are spending a night by constantly tossing and turning, you will understand the feeling that you are going to get the next day. You are going to feel cranky and tired throughout the entire day. However, if you are not sleeping for 8 hours, you are not only going to feel grumpy, you […]
Here’s Why You Must Add a Little Green to Your Diet
A healthy mind and body are possible because of a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you are eating a healthy, balanced diet but leading a sedentary lifestyle, then you cannot expect to have a quality life. Similarly, if you have an active lifestyle, where you exercise regularly and get a good share of sunlight and […]
Change: like it or not, forever necessary
We resist and often resent changes. But change is the key to life, because, despite change being seemingly painful, it’s forever necessary. What I fear, keeps me safe Most of us tend to settle in our comfort zone, we are afraid of the change or something new. We tend to get used to the rut […]