3 Traits Of Highly Mindful People- How They Stand Out From The Rest

3 Traits Of Highly Mindful People – How they stand out

Mindfulness is an art more like known by all but practiced by none. Living mindfully is a continuous, on-going process and cannot be attributed to one single incident of living in the moment. A surefire way to take the first step towards living mindfully certainly does start with internalizing the feeling by simply practicing sitting in a comfortable spot and letting your thoughts sink in, practicing deep breathing and reflecting on what your true purpose in life is. Being mindful is more than just an art, it is a form of living your life holistically which ultimately becomes a part of your lifestyle.

Acting out of impulse or in the flow of emotions is very easy and often leads to provocative repercussions but when a person has trained his mind to live and act mindfully he is able to control these responses and save his energy, directing it towards more productive forums. Taking an oath to start living a mindful life starts with drawing inspiration from your surroundings and other positive people in your circle.

  1. They ‘listen’ to the voice in their heads but do not ALWAYS take them seriously

Negative, bickering thoughts are but natural and often erupt in an individual’s mind but it is up to you how you react to them. The stimulus or emotional upsurge that you feel is powerless without your reaction. Mindful people know how to consciously train their mind to give attention to their thoughts as per their due importance and not drain themselves unnecessarily over things that do not really matter. They keep evaluating their strengths and weaknesses and do not get swept by the sea of emotions that keep emerging inside them. Keeping a watch on your thoughts implies that you do not ignore the voice in your head and pay specific heed to repetitive thoughts that may be disturbing you.  After all, you are your top priority.

  1. They keep their mind de-cluttered by spacing out things

Does a messed up room, study table or office desk take away from your productivity? Do you feel you are able to concentrate on the matter at hand when there is visual clutter in front of you? The answer is probably yes! Similarly, your mind may seem to be clouded by negative thoughts and to clear out your mind you need to unwind and establish a priority list.

Mindful people think that overburdening themselves will only spoil matters and hence take up matters one at a time. Although it contradicts the myth that multitasking leads to improved productivity but for the most part it makes our mind divided amongst several things at one time resulting in nothing being accomplished to its maximum capacity. Focusing with utmost dedication and awareness on one thing at a time can make your everyday tasks less challenging and more fun.

  1. They are custodians of their mind and body

What’s your body telling you when it makes noises? These noises may be literal or mental noises but as aforementioned they need due attention. When you take concrete steps to ensure that you are responsible for the maintenance of a healthy mind and body you are ready to take conscious steps to foster nourishing habits that keep you on your toes and toned.

Highly mindful people are very specific about what is toxic for them and that they need to abstain from it. They prioritize sleep and they know that their minds and bodies need rest to keep functioning properly and efficiently. They believe in the transient nature of things and do not prefer sacrificing their everyday rituals for an emotion that is temporary. Hence they learn to give their bodies’ proper rest and treat their bodies with love and respect because they know that if their body doesn’t support them, a nervous breakdown may result.

Develop compassion within yourself and throw out the negativities out of the window to be able to live a fulfilling and content life. Do not harbor ill-feelings or grudges for yourself as well as for those around you and learn to appreciate the little things in life.