Be a Relationship Catalyst

Who are you really? This is the question that has made many of us get to where we are today. If we are not the body and we are not even the mind, who are we really? We are created with a name, not the one our parents gave us at birth, but the name […]

How to practice patience when facing negative emotions?

I like to define patience as peace + science, or in other words, the science of peace. Patience is the ability to overcome challenges without reacting with anger. You can show patience with a good attitude in front of life difficulties. Being patient is also the comprehension of life facts without forcing anything or anyone, […]

Le Pouvoir Du Silence

Parler est une faculté naturelle à moins d’avoir un handicap qui nous prive de notre usage de la parole. Parler aide énormément dans le développement des relations avec les autres. Cependant, il existe un atout plus fort que la parole. Dans certaines situations de la vie, il est conseillé de garder le silence plutôt que […]

Dances of Universal Peace

A crowd of people in a circle, meditative music, simple dance movements, and mantras from a wide variety of world faiths all meld together… Attending a Dance of Universal Peace is an unforgettable experience. In hundreds of dances across the globe, people around the world gather in spiritual centers, churches, schools, therapy groups, and even […]

التأمل والبيئة

للتأمل أنواع، ومن أحد أنواع التأمل هو المشي في الطبيعة او ما يعرف ب “تأمل المشي“. والبعض يفضل المشي على الجلوس في الحديقة أو على الشاطئ. فسكون الطبيعة وجمالها يساعد الفرد في إيجاد الانسجام والتوازن. ولا أهدف من هذا المقال تعزيزفكرة أن مكان التأمل هو الطبيعة، بل من الممكن أيضًا ممارسة التأمل في المكتب أو […]

The Universal Values Behind Successful People

I grew up watching a lot of successful people on TV. When I entered university, I started working part-time for the hospitality industry where I got to meet many of these people too. It always interested me how they got to be where they were. So on a faithful day, a friend of mine named […]

Comment développer une mentalité «anti-balle» pendant la crise camerounaise?

Que faites-vous lorsque votre ville natale devient un lieu en proie au chaos constant? La première pensée est de s’enfuir. Mais pour aller où? Nous ne pouvons pas contrôler tout ce qui se passe à l’extérieur, mais la seule chose que nous pouvons contrôler, c’est notre esprit (état d’âme). La façon dont nous réagissons aux […]

Alafia II Fellowship: warm welcome, great impact

Everything that comes to an end marks in some form or another the beginning of a new. Alafia fellowship II has been an amazing, refreshing, and impactful event  gathering 25 participants from 18 countries in Ivory Coast from 12th to 14th of September. In the following lines, I give an account of my experience hoping […]

Les arbres et les animaux peuvent-ils faire preuve d’empathie et d’altruisme?

L’empathie fait une partie intégrante de notre nature. En fait,  nous pouvons améliorer ces qualités en entraînant notre cerveau à travers la pratique de la méditation, de la pleine conscience et la bonté aimante. Les humains sont-ils les seuls êtres capables de montrer ces traces positives de gentillesse, de compassion et d’empathie les uns envers […]

14 Ways My Self-Transformation Happened Through Meditation

Since I started meditating on daily basis, I have had a profound and positive personal transformation. Here is what I learned since I started to meditate: 1) I understand that everything I do has an effect or consequence in the outside. If I think, speak and behave with positivity and optimism, the universe will answer […]