Beyond Happiness, Above Rainbow

I remember way back while in high school, I would get sick just from worrying. I had a harsh inner critic that challenged most of the things I did and planned to do. It was very easy for me to appreciate and admire others but seldom did I find anything I did good enough. Even […]

Turn off autopilot, be a warrior with an open heart

Habits, morning routine, places we go out to eat, the behaviour towards our partner – this all can slip into an autopilot mode. To be mindful and turn off this mode means to be a warrior with an open heart. Sometimes the battle is against being on autopilot mode, which due to its familiarity, can be quite […]

اشكال… ألوان

كنّا ستّ عشرة امرأة من العالم العربي، اجتمعنا لخمسة أيام ب “جورجيا” ضمن برنامج زمالة “هي 2″. في اليوم الأول، وبعد اليوغا والتأمل، كانت هنالك ورشة عمل للتلويين تديرها المدربة “مريم العباس” من السعودية. ما هي ورشة العمل؟ في البداية بدأت أفكر، “ماذا ستطلب منا أن نرسم” وهل سيقومون بتحليل ما رسمناه ومن هي مريم؟ العديد […]

Small Things To Be Thankful For

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” —Oprah Winfrey In today’s society, people generally capitalize on the importance of things that are huge. We regularly see in the media people praise celebrities for donating a large amount […]

What are the Benefits of Yoga for Anxiety?

Anxiety is caused by different external factors. It can be a result of stress from work and school. Your marriage or relationship can also contribute to this condition. For people who are sick and are expected to take medication, this can also be one of the side effects. Anxiety may not be considered as a […]

Low Self-Esteem: A Handicap to our Mind’s Stillness?

Self-esteem is a healthy state of mind, whereby we value the person we are and the activities that we do; we cherish and positively view ourselves as normal and capable. It confers a good self-image and allows to lead a happy life, free from self-blame and hate or feeling of anger and frustration about who […]

If happiness is contagious, then what makes you happy?

Have you heard that happiness is contagious? Well, there are a few empirically proven studies by behavioural and social scientists suggesting that happiness is not only contagious but it is also positively impacted by the people around. Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medical sociology at Harvard Medical School in his study on ‘dynamic of spread […]

How to save for that big, exciting project you have put off for years!

Save for next big project

How do you save for that big exciting project? You see something, and you really want it. In fact, you really need it; yet, you can’t afford it. At least not yet; or so you tell yourself.  Sounds familiar? How about this; “you say no to things that really matter to you” or “you window […]

Honra tu verdad y siéntete feliz

Los seres humanos llegamos al mundo con total pureza y con la verdad más sincera de quiénes somos. Llegamos como un vaso completamente vacío que a medida que nos hacemos mayores, vamos llenando con mensajes que escuchamos de nuestra mente condicionante.

Life-changing Scholarship Opportunities in Thailand

Life Changing Scholarship Opportunities Thailand Meditation

Just like those unexpected and wonderful things that happen in life, my cousin suggested me I take a look at an article. It was entitled “The Most exotic Scholarships of the World.” She emphasized that I was probably the only person she knew who would be interested in those kind of weird things. By weird, […]