How Mindfulness Can Irreversibly Change Your Life
So what is mindfulness? Everybody uses this term, but do we really know what it means? A mindful person is someone who lives in the present while calmly accepting their feelings and thoughts, and uses them as a therapeutic technique. Living in a state of mindfulness is not something you can achieve overnight. It’s not […]
El Cuidado Psicológico o de la Mente
Nuestros elementos humanos necesitan mantención. La teoría de la meditación entiende que nosotros, como seres humanos, estamos compuestos por cuerpo y mente que se relacionan entre sí como el software y el hardware lo hacen en la computadora. Sabemos, además, que si no le prestamos mucha atención a cualquiera de esos elementos, surgen enfermedades y […]
A Recipe For A Healthy Relationship: Do You Have The Right Ingredients?
On mindfulness and consciousness as a solid way to achieve healthy relationships. Lately, the word “Healthy” is becoming trendy. Every day you find people on Facebook and Instagram posting photos of their healthy meals or writing posts that show affection to their partners or friends or family. I am sure you too have bumped a lot into these […]
Aquí viene el amor otra vez… espera, ¿en serio?
Sobre desear el infinito mientras se experimenta lo finito. Pensamientos sobre el amor. Parte I. En nuestra vida práctica amamos personas, mascotas, cosas, naturaleza, arte etc. Experimentamos este sentimiento no solo en contextos románticos sino que en muchos más – o al menos podemos estar abiertos a sentir amor de diferentes formas. Sin embarbo, el hecho […]
Here Comes Love Again… Wait, Really?
On desiring infinity while experiencing finitude. Thoughts on love. Part I. In our practical life, we love people, pets, stuff, nature, art etc. We experience this feeling not only in romantic contexts but in many others – or at least we can be open to feel love in multiple ways. However, the fact that we love […]
Vacuity: What Can Take You Beyond Happiness
Have you ever heard the word vacuity? First time I heard this word was in a meditation class. I did not actually fully understand it. The theory provided by the teacher was kind of difficult for me. In general, Buddhist philosophy to me is very interesting but also full of concepts and words that are not so easy […]
Teach mindfulness and meditation alongside your regular transformation work with us!
Mindfulness meditation is increasingly becoming a powerful tool to bring awareness to the ever present peace that lies within us. Several people have gone to the East to learn these ancient tools and bring them home, to the west, and now, even African countries. Organizations and firms are beginning to recognize the salient fact that […]
Want a happy life? 5 tips advice from Google’s Chief Evangelist
How do you know that you are alive? (Pause) Perhaps, it’s because you are reading this, you are breathing or you can see what is written here! Now, most people can tell you this, yet, very few can really make what they call life truly meaningful. In a recent interview […]
How to Overcome Anxiety in the Digital World
Technological advancements in the areas of communication have given us the ability to process colossal amounts of information in a short period of time. Smartphones and tablets ensure that you are constantly in touch with the world around you and your many social networks. Recently a hot topic of discussion has been the impact that […]
De-Stress And Self-Express Through Colouring Books
In the past few years, colouring books have become a popular trend, and many people are surely buying them and sharing them as gifts. In this article, we will explore how colouring can be beneficial to your mind and what makes it so popular. Like meditation When we do anything with our hands, the attention […]