Where Is Your Center?

In the midst of work storms of the modern world, we normally forget where our mind is centered. The mind is at ease when it locates itself at a single point, however our peace or distress largely depends on where the mind actually rests. Different centers Imagine it is the weekend and you have promised […]

How 8 Minute Meditation Became 2 Hours Inner Peace Time

I remember the first time I heard about meditation. It was a joke among some people making fun of those who believed in meditation and the way to inner peace. I got curious. So I started searching and looking for the answer to find out whether those meditators were really shallow, crazy hippies as some […]

Trois techniques pour reconnaître et changer les mauvaises habitudes

Tous les Hommes ont de mauvaises habitudes. C’est quelque chose de naturel qui s’observe alors chez tout le monde. Indépendamment de nos principes et styles de vie, nous venons à être habitués à certains comportements à tel enseigne qu’ils deviennent des habitudes même s’ils ne favorisent pas notre développement socio-professionnel. Cet article aborde trois techniques […]

Why Taking Time for Yourself and Meditation Is Not a Selfish Act?

“You can’t pour from an empty kettle” is a common saying, but one that nobody seems to live by. Increasingly, it seems that taking time out for yourself is a selfish act. Meditation is often seen as an even more selfish act because modern people don’t often understand the benefits of meditation. The ability to […]

Du paradoxe Socratique à la libération totale de sa rancœur

Platon[1], un des fervents disciples de Socrate[2], affirme que connaitre le bien veut dire faire le bien. Cette affirmation est, sans doute, écho fidèle du paradoxe Socratique quant à son enseignement éthique. Dans le domaine de l’éthique, on appelle « paradoxes socratiques » un certain nombre de points de vue défendus par Socrate et allant à l’encontre […]

How Meditation Can Change Your Brain

You know meditation is good for you, but did you know that it actually changes the brain in positive ways? Meditation is increasingly being used to overcome addiction because addiction itself is a negative changing of the brain, a chemical addiction. If meditation can alter the brain for the positive, addiction therapy can include more […]

A Few Questions To Help You Care For Your Mind

Inner Peace Time

Our human elements need maintenance. Meditation theory understands that we, as human beings, are composed of body and mind that relate to each other as the hardware and software do in the computer.  And we know that if we don´t pay much attention to any of those elements, illnesses arise and our decaying process speeds up. Our body needs […]

Bring The Real Love In, Baby!

Universe Woman

On desiring infinity while experiencing finitude. Thoughts on love. Part II. Talking and writing about unconditional love is not difficult. What is tricky is to bring that magnificent, metaphysical love into our daily lives, into our relationships. That´s another thing. In moments of crisis, we get into this place where love is not pleasant and […]

How Mindfulness Can Irreversibly Change Your Life

So what is mindfulness? Everybody uses this term, but do we really know what it means? A mindful person is someone who lives in the present while calmly accepting their feelings and thoughts, and uses them as a therapeutic technique. Living in a state of mindfulness is not something you can achieve overnight. It’s not […]